Tuesday night’s regular monthly meeting of the Lewisburg City Council ended with the release of Bam Haislip as the Lewisburg City Manager. What started as a routine City Council meeting with only one citizen input and one failed motion, ended with Joe Bradford’s final item on the agenda. Bradford, who was voted out as Lewisburg City Councilman in the 3rd Ward on August 1st, brought the final item of the agenda to the floor. It was to discuss the effectiveness in leadership and to make a proposal to initiate positive change in the city leadership. Bradford’s final act as a Lewisburg City Councilman was to make a motion that Bam Haislip be removed as Lewisburg City Manager. Vickie Michaels made a motion to defer the vote until the new council had time to discuss the matter. This motion failed. A motion to release Haislip as Lewisburg City Manager was made. Michaels and Parsons voted no. Three yes votes were made by Burns, Perka, and Bradford, so the motion passed. Haislip was given a moment to voice his opinion, and the meeting was adjourned by Councilman Parsons among a hostile environment.